Saturday, October 13, 2007


I would like to start this blog with one of the greatest human tragedy in the history of earth. Nearly six million people were murdered in the name of purification of Aryan race. The entire world was shocked to see the presence of Concentration camps in the very heart of Europe, the so called carriers of human civilization to the different parts of the world. Today when we look at Holocaust, we would wonder what drives man to kill another man so ruthlessly or the entire Holocaust was Hollywood myth for entertainment (there are people proposing this). Beyond doubt, with all the evidence available, we can say Holocaust is not a myth but a reality indeed a tragedy of human making.

Aryan superiority, though there exists no scientific evidence to prove it, was the driving force behind the prosecution of Jews during Nazi Germany. Nazi party came to the power by blaming everything on Jewish people for Germany` s economic backwardness. Over the night statics were drawn in favor of their argument, anti Jewish propaganda was on full swing after the Germany` s defeat in First World war. Unfortunately, Jews people were doing exceptionally well despite economic depression and other constraints of that time, but this had nothing to do with Jewishness of individuals. The average Jew was little better than an average Pole or German or any other national where ever Jews lived. Perhaps this was may be due to their ability to trade. Jewish people were doing well in aspect of economic activity and science much to the envy of other communities.

This was exploited by Nazi party, Jews were blamed for the defeat of Germany in First World war. Most of the time Nazi party members used exaggerated numbers of Jewish wealth to create fear in non Jewish people and proposed the concept of Aryan superiority theory.

Nazi Party came to power in 1933, Adolf Hitler became its chancellor. Nazi party started systematic elimination of Jews from civil life. Jewish business were forced to shut down, Jewish lecturers, professors, doctors and all other professionals were forced to resign from government service. Albert Einstein, who was given the man of the century by Time magazine in 2000, was one among the prominent Jews who fled Germany during this elimination of Jews from civilian life. In fact Nazi party could not accept the scientific knowledge of Einstein and asked many of its Noble prize winning scientists to refute Einstein theories. In schools and colleges his theories were not taught or taught with a different name.

After the beginning of second world war, Germany occupied Poland and some eastern parts of Russia. Nazi party started elimination of Jews in its occupied land, the list of Jews was prepared for separation, then they were given separate areas for living known as Ghettos. Conditions at these Ghettos was so terrible that many people die of unhygienic conditions. Jewish communities and their leaders were nominated to prepare the list of batches for concentration camps. Imagine the situation where its own community leader had to select his own people for killing. Many a time these leaders committed suicide. Though Jewish people offered some resistance, it was not even sufficient to save their own life.

We may assume that the people who did this horrible crimes were not educated well but the truth was that most of them got their PH.D s, many Noble laureates from Nazi Germany publicly ridiculed Albert Einstein and his theories.

The prosecution of Jews was unabated till the end of second world war. One by one concentration camps were liberated by Allied forces and found the horrible conditions of Holocaust victims, virtually every prisoner was a like a skinned skeleton with life.

The stories of Anne Frank (a little girl with dairy writing hobby penned her story of hiding, but later she was caught and sent to Concentration camp where she died) and Oskar Schindler ( a business man and Nazi Party member who saved 1100 Jews intentionally in the name of running a non productive factory and lost most of his wealth) were beautifully presented by Hollywood.

Later most of the Nazi Officials either caught and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity or committed suicide. But Jewish community lost all most all of its population in Poland and other parts of Europe.

Interestingly Jewish people bounced back and established their homeland as Israel by forcing native Arabs to flee from Middle East, now there has been a continuous fighting in the name of Jewish home land but with a difference. This time the helpless people belong to Arabs not Jewish people. It may sound paradoxically, earlier victims now become the designers of new massacares. We can`t blame entirely on Israel state for the ongoing conflict, but Jewish people determined not to leave their homeland. Nobody knows how this conflict will end, how many people need to lose their life again because of the violent methods adopted by both sides(human bombs by Arabs, Aerial Bombing by Israel).

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